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Greg took up weight training to add bulk to his slender frame when he was a young man. Now that he’s an adult approaching retirement age, he’s utilizing Black Black Fitness on his continued journey for a healthy physique and overall wellness. The SCUBA diver and underwater photographer found an engaging, challenging workout with Black Box Fitness, and he shares his story in this one-on-one interview.

BBVR: Thank you, Greg, for talking with us today. We love to hear stories about people who enjoy Black Box Fitness for improved wellness, but first, could you please tell us a bit about yourself? 

Greg: Thanks for having me here. I’m currently working in healthcare at a hospital in North County, San Diego. Being a skinny kid, I took up weight training to help me put on some weight. Then later, I started competing in powerlifting competitions which was a lot of fun, but after a while, it can take a toll on your body, so I decided to quit and try other things. Eventually, I got into SCUBA diving and underwater photography, which has been quite the adventure – traveling to other countries and seeing amazing things. Later, I got a lot of my work published with CNN, Discovery Channel, and National Geographic, to name a few. Even though I was active, I didn’t regularly use an exercise program to stay in shape, and I would skip many workouts because it was the same old tiring thing. Eventually, I started to put on weight because of all the snacks and boredom eating I was doing during my downtime.

BBVR: How did you find out about Black Box Fitness, and what made you want to try it out?

Greg: Long story short, I was working out at a club that was shut down because of the pandemic, and to make matters worse, I was hit with the COVID virus, which stuck with me for over a month. When I finally beat it, I became known as a long hauler, having trouble breathing, walking, climbing stairs, and just having no energy. As the pandemic continued, I was forced to self-isolate when I wasn’t working, making my physical condition worse. Then in late February of this year, some of the restrictions let up here in California, and we were allowed to participate in outdoor activities. That’s where Black Box Fitness came into the picture. I signed up with EōS Fitness and found Black Box Fitness as part of my membership. Out of curiosity, I took on a trial workout with Black Box and loved it.

BBVR: Tell us about the first time you put on the VR headset and entered the Black Box Fitness VR world. 

Greg: Honestly, it was a bit disorientating at first, but I was absolutely fascinated, and I thought, “How can this even be a workout?!” I never really had much experience with Virtual Reality, and I felt like I was part of the story, which was a huge motivation for me. I was also surprised with how vigorous the training was and yet disappointed by my results because I was so horribly out of shape. What surprised me the most was how fast the workout went. It didn’t even feel like 30 minutes!

BBVR: What are your favorite features of the Black Box VR fitness experience?

Greg: I love how the AI tracks your progress in how much weight you’re doing, as well as how many calories you’re burning during your sessions. Also, the mobile app has been a great help as it allows you to connect with other Black Box Fitness members where you can give and receive encouragement from other members.

BBVR: You’ve done all sorts of different types of training in the past. How does Black Box Fitness compare with other workout programs you have done?

Greg: What I like about Black Box Fitness is that this is a program that anyone from a beginner to a fitness enthusiast can use. I like that Black Box brings out our competitiveness, forcing us to grind harder when losing a battle. What’s really cool is that we still get a great workout if we do lose a battle. Like I mentioned before, doing the old style of training that I used to do was just flat out boring, and after a time, I had a hard time going to the gym.

BBVR: Do you do any other physical activities to boost your fitness results?

Greg: I love going on hikes, and I try to go on SCUBA or free diving at least once a week. Swimming over 300 yards from shore to get to a dive site while wearing about 70lbs of gear, carrying a 35 lbs camera can be a workout in itself. LOL

BBVR: Nutrition is an essential part of health and wellness. What sort of eating habits do you incorporate into your everyday life? Do you food prep? What kinds of food do you eat?

Greg: Sticking to the basics is essential. I try to eat a well-balanced diet such as chicken, lean meats or fish, veggies, and some kind of grain such as wheat bread, 3 to 4 times a day, cutting out all snacks in between. Also, I have learned that to cheat on your diet once in a while, as long as it doesn’t become a habit, can even be healthy. I set aside one day a week for that. Before I do a Black Box workout, I make a pre-workout drink where I mix a bottle, half water, and half orange juice. Then I add one scoop of pre-workout and one scoop of creatine to help give me that extra boost I need for the workout. Then when I am finished, I’ll sit down and catch my breath while enjoying a protein drink.

BBVR: What kind of results have you had since you started going to Black Box Fitness?

Greg: I am amazed how quickly my stamina has improved after just under 5 months, not to mention my strength levels have shot through the roof! Also, slowly but surely, I am losing that spare tire around my waist that has been the bane of my existence. LOL

BBVR: What are your favorite exercises?

Greg: When I was competing in powerlifting, the bench was a favorite, and with that being said, I am going to go with the chest press. Within 4 months, I finally maxed out at 303 lbs. Not bad for an old man of 60. LOL

BBVR: What are your favorite champions in the game, and how do you use them?

Greg: Sunbird is my favorite. I like to use him against gates, towers, and some of the tank champions that get thrown my way. 

BBVR: As you play the Black Box Fitness game, every member unlocks achievements based on your fitness performance. What are your achievements that you are most proud of and why?

Greg: Just the fact that I am at level 27 and watching my endurance and strength improve with each week is the biggest achievement that I can think of. At my age, that means a lot because that means I can still do all the things that I love!

BBVR: The Black Box Fitness app tracks all fitness performance, battle logs, quests and has a fantastic community helping to cheer you on. What’s your favorite feature of the app, and why?

Greg: Meeting the other members and sharing our fitness journey together. You can’t do that while exercising alone.

BBVR: Do you have any advice for people on the fence about trying Black Box Fitness?

Greg: If you want an exercise program that really works and that you will get addicted to, this is the one for you.

BBVR: Thank you, Greg, for taking the time to share your fitness journey with us. We appreciate you and look forward to seeing your future workout battles.

Greg: It was an honor, and thank you for having me. 


If you’re interested in trying Black Box Fitness for FREE, find a location near you, and unlock fast fitness results!

We’ll see you in the arena soon!