Amber 2:15
“Since finding Black Box VR, I’ve lost 40 pounds and two pant sizes just by playing a workout video game. What’s even better? I’m also stronger and my cardiovascular abilities have increased greatly.”
Jeffrey 3:41
“Since starting, my strength has skyrocketed! My back and arms are stronger than ever before in my life. I have more energy, I’m mentally stronger, and my body feels ready to tackle all of my everyday tasks.”
JB 4:01
“Since I started working out at Black Box VR, my strength has DOUBLED. It’s astonishing! This program has helped increase my energy levels, especially during the winter months when it noticeably dips. I found a way to play video games and become more fit than ever before. And that feels great!”
Jake 3:01
“I’ve been consistently working out for almost three years now thanks to Black Box VR. I’m definitely in the best shape of my life. My mental health has improved and I feel great.”
Barrett 2:18
“Every measurement that you’d associate with muscle is bigger, and every measurement you’d associate with fat is smaller. And that’s from playing a game!”
Andy 3:12
“Since starting Black Box VR, I have improved my overall body muscle tone. The physical exertion helps make my outlook on life better.”
Graham 4:08
“When I started, I put up around 20,000 pounds lifted per battle. Now I can max out above 40,000! I’ve doubled my strength.”
Jared 2:08
“I saw physical changes after my first workout or two. I was surprised that it gave me instant results.”